It was another nice sunny Day at Oare today but the winds were quite strong and there was a definite slight chill to the air. As soon as we arrived a Coot swam past to greet us.

I don’t know if you have ever looked closely, but a Coot has the most amazing feet. Their toes are encased in a lobed membrane that aids swimming. The membrane folds inwards on the forward movement of the foot and splays outwards for thrust on the backward movement. The result is, that they have enormous feet. If you click on his pic, you will be able to see what I mean

As there was not too much about today, we decided to walk a ways around the lake to see what we could find

As you walk around the lake, you need to cross over a dyke by way of a small metal bridge. As we approached the bridge, we spotted a trio of Pied Wagtails playing hide and seek between the spars of the bridge

Making our way back to the front of the lake we stopped to watch some Lapwings flying overhead. Espying us watching them, the Lapwings circled back to perform an amazing acrobatic dance in the air for our entertainment. What superb fliers these little creatures are, it was a simply dazzling display.

The Mute Swan was not in his normal place today. We found him walking along the bank raising his long graceful neck to keep a wary eye on the nearby Graylag Gees.

The Geese were not to be intimidated, and they too stood at full height to stare back at the swan, standing their ground until honour was settled on both sides. Once Settled, they all got down to the serious business of giving themselves a good preening

There were not many other birds within range of our cameras so we just enjoyed the sights and sounds of the countryside, before making our way back home
We hope that you enjoyed our little trip. Further pictures from this and other trips can be found in the galleries at www.voinapics.co.uk please stop by and have a look.
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