It was pretty changeable weather down at Oare this Bank Holiday Monday. When we started off the sun was shining, but when we arrived there, the thunderclouds had gathered and it teemed down, so waiting patiently, we sat in the car until it stopped before quickly stepping out of the car to take few pics.

Waddling down the bank to greet us was our old friend the Bar-Headed Goose, stopping to pose and show off the lovely markings on her head. We are still not sure of the sex of the Goose but have decided that “she” defiantly looks female.

A little further up an Egret was fishing. The lake level was down a fair bit but the Egret still seemed to find lots of little fishes that were quickly swallowed with great gusto as it waded back and forth on those long legs.

Tiring of fishing in that spot, the Little Egret walked back and forth a few times before taking off and soaring past us with slow flaps of those graceful wings before flying off into the distance.

Quickly seizing it’s chance, a Sandpiper flew to the vacated spot and darted about, looking for any little titbits that the Egret had left behind which were quickly gobbled up.

The black clouds were forming again and the wind was picking up, so we decided to call it a day. But before we went, we stopped by to say hello to the Swan that was still sitting in the same place that we saw it last week, preening in the last of the sunshine. He stopped to sneeze a few times, and you can see why!

We also had a trip to the Military Odyssey show at Detling over the weekend. If you enjoy periodic costumes, friendly helpful exhibitors and a general festive air, you will love this show.

There are scenes from all periods of history from cave man up to present day so you really feel like you have travelled through a time warp to the past.

A big handclap to the exhibitors that put on a superb show. There are a lot more pictures from the show in the Shows and Pageants Gallery at www.voinapics.co.uk
We hope that you enjoyed our outings. More pictures can be seen in the Galleries at www.voinapics.co.uk. Please stop by and give them a visit
Steve & Mick
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