We decided on a visit to Northward Hill this weekend. It was another gorgeous sunny day but the wind had a hint of Autumn about it and reminded us that colder days are on the way. Parking the car, we prepared for our walk but a rustling in the nearby trees caught our attention. It was a pretty Great Tit watching us with interest.

We started our walk, enjoying the sights and smells of the late harvest. The shrubs and bushes are still full of the fruits and berries waiting to be picked and savoured but best be quick as they will soon spoil. We will enjoy some of these plump blackberries later, maybe in a tasty pie for our tea.

It was very quiet at Northward Hill and the grassy footpaths had a spring bought back to them from the recent rains. There are still plenty of fungi growing so we stopped to take a picture of some colourful toadstools sitting their like little miniature Mexican hats.

In amongst the fungi the thistles were showing off their thorny crowns, standing proudly erect they beckoned for us to us to take their pictures. We just had to oblige.

You can see how picturesque the walks are here at Northward. The leaves are just starting to turn towards that lovely golden brown and the low sun bathes everything in a soft glow. It was a very peaceful and enjoyable walk.

It was so peaceful and quiet that brother Mick nodded of when he sat down to rest his weary legs. He contested this observation quite vigorously, but we can see that he really was having a nice quiet snooze

At the top of the pathways is a gorgeous view across the pastures. In the distance amongst the grazing sheep is a building that we think may be an old abandoned tin mine. We are not sure on this so would welcome any information that you may have about it

Time was pressing on so we started our way back to go home. Before we left we looked back at the sights of the plump berries standing within the drying grassland and framed by the blue skies and green trees. A truly magical sight.
We hope that you enjoyed our walk today. More pictures from Northward can be found in the nature gallaries at www.voinapics.co.uk
Steve & Mick
Some great pictures, but the matching hats are a bit scary!
Why are there no pictures from this last weekend? My highlight of coming to work on a Monday morning is to look at the lovely photos and hear what you have been up to. I do hope that you have something good planned for next weekjend.
oh no, still no photos from your adventures this weekend. Or was the weather too bad for you to venture out?
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