It was another hot dusty day at Elmley RSPB. We aspied some very young coots learning to swim, their little bald red heads bobbing about in the reeds. One of the youngsters ventured out of the reeds briefly to allow us to photograph him. It will be a few weeks yet before the feathers grow over the head and they begin to look more sleek.

Elmley reserve is suffering badly from the drought that we have in the south east now. A lot of the ponds and tiny streams have all dried up. This of course is affecting the pond life that is a big source of food for the birds and waders here so many are leaving or dying.

What was enjoying the sunshine though was the giant thistles. They are now out in bloom and look very spectacular. We do not know the species but they stand about five foot high with their crown of blooms.

All these flowers of course were attracting the butterflies that were out in force. It sums up a perfect summer day to see these beautiful insects cavorting about.

Although the ponds are drying up there is still a few small streams flowing, and along the banks of these, the dragonflies are breeding. This little pied wagtail certainly found them quite tasty and posed for us proudly with his catch.

There were swallows in abundance today, busily rocketing about catching insects for their ever hungry young. By luck, one was nesting in the toilet block and could be seen from a distance. We set up our camera out of the way so as not to disturb the fledglings and waited for mom to come and feed them.
We hope that you enjoyed these pictures. Further pictures from Elmley can be found on our website in the Nature Gallery at www.voinapics.co.uk
Steve & Mick
1 comment:
Kyu-Sik Shim said...
I have enjoyed your photos & birding diary. very impressive!
I'm going to visit your blog soon again. thankyou
- wigan24 from Korea.
1:58 PM
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