What a superb few weeks we have had since we last wrote. Spring is certainly here with us, and nature is now in full bloom. We have been visiting a few of our favourite locations over the past weeks and have lots of pictures to show you. The walks at Northward hill take you past a nicely maintained cherry Orchard that is now in full blossom, what a superb sight it makes.

Also enjoying the blossom was this Bumble Bee, buzzing happily away to himself as he collected all of the goodness from the flower to take back home.

And it was not only the Bees that were enjoying the blossom flowers. The butterflies were out in force, flitting from flower to flower and dancing playful aerial duets with their partners

Down at Elmley we found this little Ringed Plover sitting on her nest that was just inches from the roadway, and she did not seem in the least concerned when we stopped for a few minutes to admire her nest. Can you see how she is only half sitting on her eggs to keep the temperature just right.

Out in the river, a female Coot was also sitting on her nest. The nicely woven collection of reeds keeping her nest high and dry from the water but safe from any unwanted visitors.

The frogs were also out making extremely loud burbling noises to attract the females. They were mainly all hidden in the reeds but one obligingly swam out into the middle of the stream and posed for us with a big beaming smile

Across the river a quick movement caught our eye. It was a Hare stopping for a quick drink before hopping of back out of sight. Hares are a declining species in the UK so it was nice to see some of them out enjoying the sunshine

As we have not had rain for a while it was quite dusty on the reserves. I was trying to make out what the loud whistling noise was that I could hear and it turned out to be Mick, blowing the dust off from his lens!

Later on the walk, I spotted a pair of large birds coming our way, I quickly pointed them out to Mick and we got ready as they flew closer to us

And it was a pair of magnificent Mute swans, flapping serenely across the reserve. What an absolute superb sight they made as they flew past us to continue on their journey.

We would like to finish of today’s tale with a view from the top of the Northward hill walk, looking down at the farms surrounded by the fields of Rape. It will be a few more weeks before the Rape is ready to be harvested yet, but already it has started to get that gorgeous yellow glow to it.
We hope that you enjoyed todays tale. More pictures can be found in our galleries at
Steve & Mick