Let’s take some shots using our little lens my brother Mick suggested. That’s a good idea, I replied, we have not used them for ages. So picking Northward Hill RSPB as the target for our jaunt, we started off on a slow drive keeping a wary eye open for any nice places to stop.

We have passed by Saint James Church at Cooling many times and always remarked on the beauty of the stonework and how it would make a lovely picture. Today was our chance and we spent an enjoyable while, admiring this early 13th century Church.

This Church is believed to be the sinister meeting place of the Hero Pip with the convict Magwitch in Charles Dickens Great Expectations, but today the Church simply shone in the autumn sunlight.

Nearby are the magnificent twin towers of Cooling Castle. The Castle was built between 1381-1485 to protect the Thames. There is not much left of the Castle now as it was besieged in 1554 and suffered major cannon damage. The Castle is in private hands and owned I believe, by the Musician Jools Holland

The ruined towers of the Castle are home to a flock of Jackdaws. Unfortunately, the Jackdaws did not want to pose for us today, instead they watched us from some nearby trees as we took a picture of their home.

A few miles further on and we arrived at Northward Hill. In the nearby fields, a flock of sheep were quietly grazing. Spotting us, they quickly ran up to the fence to say hello.

One of the friendly sheep put his head through the fence and pleaded for a good head rub. We were happy to oblige, much to the sheep’s delight.

We walked into the reserve and what a glorious sight greeted us. Northward Hill is very picturesque at this time of year with the leaves turning a lovely yellow and gold. Add to this the golden autumn sun and the view was simply stunning.

We continued on our walk, enjoying the sun and sights whilst listening to the joyous songs of the birds as they sang for our entertainment. A most enjoyable walk.

Down by the old farm track we came across a massive old gnarled tree, it’s bare branches waving gently in the breeze. As we approached we could hear a rapid knocking. It was a Woodpecker high in the branches tapping the bark for grubs. It was quite comical watching Mick trying to entice the Woodpecker down so that he could take its picture.

It was now mid afternoon and time to leave Northwood and make our way back home. Our journey back took us through the village of Cliffe where we stopped briefly to check the time against the blue and gold clock of St Helens Church.
We hope that you enjoyed our trip out today. More picture can be found in our galleries at www.voinapics.co.uk
Steve & Mick