It was a super sunny Sunday morning and after the problems of late, it was time to spend a few hours enjoying the countryside so off to Elmley we went to see what was about. Our first discovery was a Weasel running full pelt across the marshland. We tried a few shots as he was on the move but he was too quick but finally bagged a shot just before he disappeared into his burrow.

A bit further on and we came across a Mute Swan, swimming serenely across a small stream, his head held proudly up as he surveyed his domain

Travelling slowly up the driveway towards the RSPB offices, we watched the antics of the resident lapwings when in amongst them we espied a Ringed Plover. Excellent, we have not seen one of these for quite some time. The Little Plover was not in the least bit shy and posed happily for us as we took his picture

Up at Elmley Offices, we looked along the trees and thickets to see if we could find some of the smaller birds. Mr Blackbird was sitting up in a tree calling out that he was hungry

Whilst his poor wife muttered to herself as she was doing all the worm hunting

We went around the back of the offices into the small woods to see if we could find the woodpeckers that led us a merry dance last week. They were still there and enjoyed another game of chase before we finally managed to sneak in a shot. The hole in the tree has been enlarged a lot just lately so with luck they will nest there soon

Wlaking back from the woods, we came across a little robin, hopping from a small thicket to a tree stup and back, telling all the other Robins that “this was his territory”

To round it off, on the way back down the driveway, our old friend the Little egret popped over to say hello
All in all, a good enjoyable morning